When undertaking a commercial renovation, turn to Resolve for affordable and effective electrical solutions. Whether you require assistance with your building’s power system, lighting, or underground reticulation, we can establish smart solutions and deliver high-quality results.
In addition, we assist with electrical tenancy fit-outs, providing quality services that will ensure your property is ready for its occupant. Our qualified electricians can efficiently design and install any electrical system required for commercial fit-outs.
Ensure your commercial renovation or tenancy fit-out is completed with an electrical system that’s completely safe and fit for purpose. At Resolve Electrical, we assist with all electrical renovations and fit-outs for commercial and industrial buildings.
Our team of qualified master electricians share a broad range of industry experience and continually stay updated on New Zealand’s commercial building code. We pride ourselves on delivering quality electrical solutions across the Waikato. Get in touch today to discuss your commercial renovation or fit-out.